My life has been an incredible journey since I gave my life to Jesus 33 years ago in 1984.
Within a few years as I grew in my faith, I sensed God’s direction to something beyond Sunday to Sunday living and started pursuing some type of avocational ministry I could do on the side, on the weekends maybe. Well, God had bigger plans.
As we prayed about that for THREE YEARS, we had no clear answer but we continued seeking God’s direction. Then one day in my office my boss handed me a sales lead for Moody Bible Institute’s ‘Moody Aviation’. I worked for a Av-gas and Jet Fuel broker and they had 20 aircraft. I wanted to sell them Av Gas. 🙂
Well the gentleman I spoke with said he would send me “What I needed” and that was that. A week later I got an Application to Enroll in Moody Aviation to study to be a Missionary Pilot. That really happened. H-m-m-m.
Let’s back up. You see I had always wanted to be a pilot since I was a child, but was told my eyesight wasn’t good enough by a Doctor (who I later learned didn’t know what he was talking about).
One thing led to another and 18 months later I was enrolled in Moody Aviation at the ripe old age of 34, the oldest guy in my class of 30 students, by about 12 years. It was frankly surreal.
Three years later I graduated with my Commercial Pilot’s license, Instrument rating and A&P (mechanics) license. I quickly applied to and was accepted by Mission Aviation Fellowship and assigned to fly in Shell, Ecuador in 2004.
After nearly 8 years overseas we were asked serve in US where I would be over recruiting for MAF in the Eastern US. It was God’s timing as we both had parents in failing health and kids heading into college soon. The problem was we need an extra paycheck.
Through a serendipitous meeting it was suggested we consider opening a coffee shop. We knew nothing about such a business, but the messenger did and offered to mentor us into this crazy business. That was in 2002. We accepted his offer and the rest is history.
So why did I share such a long story?
I want you to see that finding God’s will is usually not a snap of the finger. You have to focus faithfully and pray without ceasing. Then wait. God will provide and if you need help He will provide.
We know the coffee business. We know how to roast excellent, notable premium coffees. We know how to run a profitable, successful, best of class coffee shop.
We can help you realize your desire. We’ve walked the walk of patient waiting and sensing God’s call then moving sure-footed when the answer comes.
Let us help you! Contact us today!