Purchasing coffee from Coffee 4 Missions has been an answered prayer.
We provide a Sunday morning café hour in between our two services and were looking for ways to improve our hospitality.
We were convicted that our members and especially our guests deserved the best.
Coffee 4 Missions provides a wide range of coffees that impresse every person who blesses us by visiting our church. It provides an opening to begin a friendly conversation as they ask: “Where do you get such good coffee?”. And it helps us quickly show people how much we value Mission by telling them: “Each bag of coffee we buy from Sandy and Trish helps support great mission causes!”
If your church is still serving cheap, “food service grade” bitter coffee we would highly encourage you to think about switching. You wouldn’t want to serve the cheapest thing to a guest in your home would you? Why would you do it at church?
Hospitality Team
Norfolk, VA
Congregation Size 275