Trish and I first became aware of Samaritan’s Purse while I trained and studied at Moody Bible Institute’s missionary aviation flight school, Moody Aviation in Elizabethton, Tennessee (it has since moved to Spokane, WA). Samaritan’s Purse was just over the hill in Boone, N.C., so to speak from Elizabethton. Franklin Graham often visited and even received some of his flight training from Moody instructors.
So it was such a great joy to have the opportunity to work with Samaritan’s Purse as I flew for MAF in Ecuador. Each year the other MAF pilots and myself would deliver a thousand or so Operation Christmas Child packages by MAF airplane into the Amazon rainforest to dozens of villages.
Of course today they are know also for the worldwide disaster relief ministry.
We believe so much in the ministry of Samaritan’s Purse and are blessed to able to be apart now as donors.
Each cup of Coffee4Missions coffee every church, coffee shop or individual pours is part of our tithe to Samaritan’s Purse!